Volume 78 LXXVIII (2013)

Contents. READ
List of Contributors. READ
Abbreviations. READ
Prehistoric Oxford (The Tom Hassall Lecture for 2012). By George Lambrick1READ
The Origins of Wessex Pilot Project. By Helena Hamerow and Chris Ferguson49READ
Beakhead Decoration on Romanesque Arches in the Upper Thames Valley. By Janet Newson71READ
New Light on the Abingdon Monks’ Map. By Manfred Brod87READ
The Burford School of Masons. By Melody Mobus99READ
The Building Stones of Oxfordshire Villages. By W. Horsfield and D. M. Dane115READ
Sir Gilbert Scott’s Restoration of Christ Church Cathedral. By E. G. W. Bill127READ
The Belfry at Christ Church. By E. G. W. Bill157READ
Anglo-Saxon and Prehistoric Remains at Oxford Academy, Littlemore, Oxford: Excavations in 2009. By Andrew Mudd and Mark Brett175
Evidence for a Stephanic Siege Castle at the Lister Wilder Site, The Street, Crowmarsh Gifford. By Greg Laban189READ
Archaeological Work in Oxford, 2012. By David Radford213READ
Archaeological Work in Oxfordshire, 2012. By Hugh Coddington and Richard Oram217READ
The Portable Antiquities Scheme in Oxfordshire, 2012. By Anni Byard221READ
Lost and Found: A Flint Dagger from the River Thames at Henley. By Cate Frieman225READ
An Alternative Interpretation of the Finds from the ‘Boundary Ditch’ of Shakenoak Roman Villa. By John Hunt227READ
Reviews. 233READ
Index. 249READ

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