Volume 67 LXVII (2002)

Contents. READ
List of Officers. READ
List of Contributors. READ
Prehistoric and Romano-British Landscapes at Little Wittenham and Long Wittenham, Oxfordshire. . By Steve Baker1READ
The Burgage Plots of Thame, 1150 – 1340. . By Janet Spavold and Michael Gilman29READ
Clothmaking and the Economy of Sixteenth-century Abingdon. . By Christine Jackson59READ
Domestic Culture in Early Seventeenth-century Thame. . By Antony Buxton79READ
Jackson’s Oxford Journal and Musical Life in Nineteenth-century Oxford.. By Susan Wollenberg117READ
Anglo-Saxon Bicester: the Minster and the Town. . By John Blair133READ
Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Settlement at Chapel Street, Bicester: Excavations 1999-2000. . By P. A. Harding and Phil Andrews141READ
Excavation of Late Saxon, Medieval and Post-medieval Deposits on Land at Proctor’s Yard, Bicester.. By Graham Hull and Steve Preston179READ
Late Saxon and Medieval Occupation: Evidence from Excavations at Lincoln College, Oxford 1997-2000. . By Zena Kamash and David Wilkinson199READ
Medieval Occupation at The Orchard, Brighthampton. . By Steve Ford and Steve Preston287READ
Excavation of Post-medieval Features and a Dump of Late Eighteenth-century Artefacts from 5/6-7 Market Street, Oxford. . By Kate Taylor and Graham Hull313READ
A Partial Cow Skeleton of the Middle Bronze Age at Wallingford, Oxfordshire. By Timothy Bradley and Philip Armitage359READ
A Romano-British Buckle from East Challow, near Wantage. By Clive Brown and Martin Henig363READ
Reviews. 367READ
Index. 381READ
Rear cover. Rear coverREAD

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