Volume 64 LXIV (1999)

Contents. READ
List of Officers. READ
List of Contributors. READ
Roman Oxfordshire. By Peter Salway1READ
Anglo-Saxon Oxfordshire 400-700. By Helena Hamerow23READ
Ralegh Radford and the Roman Villa at Ditchley: A Review. By Paul Booth39READ
Archbishop Piers's Polyglots: Two Unrecorded Elizabethan Book Labels in Oxford Libraries. By Mark Purcell51READ
John Aubrey's Oxfordshire Collections: An Edition of Aubrey's Annotations to his Presentation Copy of Robert Plot's Natural History of Oxfordshire, Bodleian Library Ashmole 1722. By Kate Bennet59READ
From Village to Suburb: Caversham 1840 to 1911. By Joan A. Dils87READ
Investigations at Thrupp House Farm, Radley, near Abingdon. By Rachel N. Everett and Bob M. G. Eeles117READ
The Excavation of a Late Iron Age Enclosed Settlement at Bicester Fields Farm, Bicester, Oxon. By Anne Marie Cromarty and Stuart Foreman153READ
Evidence of Romano-British Activity along the route of the Harwell to Blewbury Sewerage Pipeline. By Dawn Enright and Alan Thomas235READ
Medieval Features at Beechcroft Yard, Church Road, Weston-on-the-Green, Oxfordshire. By Kate Taylor and Steve Ford245READ
The Excavation of Medieval and Post-Medieval Features at the Rear of 42c Bell Street, Henley, Oxfordshire. By Jo Pine255READ
Archaeological Investigations at Longwall Quad, Magdalen College, Oxford. By M. R. Roberts275READ
Archaeological Excavations at 64-66 St Thomas's Street, Oxford. By Sean Cook285READ
Excavations and Building Survey at the former Nuffield Press, Temple Cowley, Oxfordshire (Site of Temple Cowley Manor House). By Jeff Muir and Kate Newell297READ
Estimates of Harvest on Oseney Abbey Manors. By Dave Postles301READ
Reviews. 307READ
Index. 319READ
Rear cover. Rear coverREAD

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