Contents. | READ | |
List of Officers. | READ | |
List of Contributors. | READ | |
Roman Oxfordshire. By Peter Salway | 1 | READ |
Anglo-Saxon Oxfordshire 400-700. By Helena Hamerow | 23 | READ |
Ralegh Radford and the Roman Villa at Ditchley: A Review. By Paul Booth | 39 | READ |
Archbishop Piers's Polyglots: Two Unrecorded Elizabethan Book Labels in Oxford Libraries. By Mark Purcell | 51 | READ |
John Aubrey's Oxfordshire Collections: An Edition of Aubrey's Annotations to his Presentation Copy of Robert Plot's Natural History of Oxfordshire, Bodleian Library Ashmole 1722. By Kate Bennet | 59 | READ |
From Village to Suburb: Caversham 1840 to 1911. By Joan A. Dils | 87 | READ |
Investigations at Thrupp House Farm, Radley, near Abingdon. By Rachel N. Everett and Bob M. G. Eeles | 117 | READ |
The Excavation of a Late Iron Age Enclosed Settlement at Bicester Fields Farm, Bicester, Oxon. By Anne Marie Cromarty and Stuart Foreman | 153 | READ |
Evidence of Romano-British Activity along the route of the Harwell to Blewbury Sewerage Pipeline. By Dawn Enright and Alan Thomas | 235 | READ |
Medieval Features at Beechcroft Yard, Church Road, Weston-on-the-Green, Oxfordshire. By Kate Taylor and Steve Ford | 245 | READ |
The Excavation of Medieval and Post-Medieval Features at the Rear of 42c Bell Street, Henley, Oxfordshire. By Jo Pine | 255 | READ |
Archaeological Investigations at Longwall Quad, Magdalen College, Oxford. By M. R. Roberts | 275 | READ |
Archaeological Excavations at 64-66 St Thomas's Street, Oxford. By Sean Cook | 285 | READ |
Excavations and Building Survey at the former Nuffield Press, Temple Cowley, Oxfordshire (Site of Temple Cowley Manor House). By Jeff Muir and Kate Newell | 297 | READ |
Notes | ||
Estimates of Harvest on Oseney Abbey Manors. By Dave Postles | 301 | READ |
Reviews. | 307 | READ |
Index. | 319 | READ |
Rear cover. | Rear cover | READ |
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