The Brian Cohen Oxoniensia Prize

Guided by its objective of promoting knowledge of the history of Oxfordshire and its buildings, and in order to increase involvement in such studies, the Society is offering an essay prize. The aim of the prize is to encourage articles from those who have not previously published in the field.

A prize of £250 is offered annually for the best essay on a subject related to the archaeology, architecture, or history of Oxfordshire written by someone who has not previously published in the field. The winning essay will be considered for publication in Oxoniensia.

The essays will be judged by a panel appointed by the Society, the judges looking for evidence of original contributions to knowledge, quality of research, and clarity of expression. The decision of the judges will be final, and the Society reserves the right not to award the prize if there are no suitable entries.

There is no age limit for entrants, but entry is restricted to those who have not previously had their work on Oxfordshire history published in a refereed journal. Both individuals and groups are eligible.

Detailed requirements
1. The essay should be preceded by a short summary of no more than 150 words. The total length, including summary and references, but excluding any figure captions or tables should not exceed 8,000 words. A word count should be included. Shorter essays will be welcome, but longer ones will be rejected.
2. Essays must be written in English in a form intended for publication, normally in the format required for Oxoniensia. 'Notes for Contributors' may be obtained as a download Notes-for-contributors.pdf or by writing to the editor at the email address below.
3. Essays may be accompanied by a reasonable number of illustrations. So long as these are clear, photocopies of photographs may be used. Drawings should be reduced to A4 size. All illustrations should be clearly numbered and captioned (including acknowledgment of sources where necessary) and reference to them included as appropriate in the text.
4. The essay should be supplied as an electronic version (ideally in Word), if at all possible.
5. The essay must not have been published previously, and if it is under consideration for publication elsewhere this must be stated and details given.
6. If an award is made and an essay is considered suitable for publication the editor of Oxoniensia will contact the author(s) about any amendments which may be required before its final acceptance.
7. The closing date for entries is 30 September each year, and the award will be announced at the following Annual General Meeting.
8. Please address any initial queries to the editor of Oxoniensia, Dr Stephen Mileson, at Completed entries with your name and address (including email address) should be sent to editor.

For further information, please contact: The Editor of Oxoniensia,
Dr Stephen Mileson,
St Edmund Hall,
Queen's Lane,

ISSN 0308–5562 © Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society, 2010-2025; all rights reserved.

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