Contents. | READ | |
List of Officers. | READ | |
List of Contributors. | READ | |
A Left-Hander Handaxe from Upperton, near Watlington, Oxfordshire and its Geological Context. By Vicky Winton and Helen Walkington | 1 | READ |
The Medieval Buildings of University College, Oxford. By Robin Darwall-Smith | 9 | READ |
Long Term Trends in Landownership, 1500–1914: Berkshire and Oxfordshire. By Ted Collins and Michael Havinden | 27 | READ |
Two Monuments at Little Rollright, Oxfordshire: William Blower and the Dixon Family. By Adrienne Rosen | 51 | READ |
The Missing Diaries of the Venerable Alfred Pott, BD (1822–1908), First Principal of Cuddesdon College and Archdeacon of Berkshire. By Nigel Hammond | 71 | READ |
Excavation of a Peterborough Ware Pit at Wallingford, Oxfordshire. By Andy Richmond | 79 | READ |
Iron Age and Roman features at Eastfield House, Brasenose Driftway, Oxford. By Clare Challis | 97 | READ |
Early Roman Occupation at Jubilee Villa, 21 The Moorlands, Benson, Oxfordshire. By Jo Pine | 115 | READ |
Prehistoric and Early Roman Field Systems at Halifax House, South Parks Road, Oxford. By Sian Anthony | 129 | READ |
Prehistoric and Roman activity and a Civil War Ditch: Excavations at the Chemistry Research Laboratory, 2–4 South Parks Road, Oxford. By Philippa Bradley and Bethan Charles | 141 | READ |
Excavations along the Newbury Reinforcement Pipeline: Iron Age-Roman Activity and a Neolithic Pit Group. By Jane Timby and Dan Stansbie | 203 | READ |
A Late Medieval Inn at the White Hart Hotel, Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire. By Edmund Simons and Jane Phimester | 309 | READ |
Excavations in St John’s College Oxford, 2003. By Steve Lawrence | 325 | READ |
Notes | ||
Excavations at St Hilda’s College, Cowley Place, Oxford. By Andrew Norton and David Thomason | 333 | READ |
‘Cellular Markings’ at the Cottage, Newnham Murren. By David Clark | 337 | READ |
Reviews. | 339 | READ |
Index. | 351 | READ |
Rear cover. | Rear cover | READ |
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