Finding a reference

The lookup form allows you to find a reference to a page quickly. Enter the volume number and the page you want (just give the first volume number for double volumes). Please note that the lookup may not be completely accurate; the main reaon for this is that foldout pages that are not numbered in the printed volumes are numbered in the scanned version. You may need to move down a little in the PDF file to find the page you want, but you should at least be in the right article.

You cannot search for plates from older volumes because in the online edition they have been moved to the end of the articles that they illustrate.

There are no separate volumes for 9 (1944), 12 (1947), 18 (1953), 27 (1962), 30 (1965) and these are included in the previous volume number.

Volume Page

To search the volumes use our Full Text Search

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